FeedBolt RSS for Infusionsoft now lets you instantly broadcast to your Infusionsoft contacts when you add a new post to your site with our FeedBolt Ping service.
In FeedBolt, click the arrow next to “Check Now…” on an active feed and select “Setup Ping…”
This will provide you a secret URL to ping when a new post is online.

Using this URL, you can setup your site to “ping” us when you add a new post and we’ll immediately check your feed URL for the latest and mail your selected Infusionsoft contacts if a new post is found!
Scheduling Updates
In addition to the FeedBolt Ping instant broadcasting, you can also now schedule FeedBolt to check every week or every two weeks (biweekly) if you prefer to broadcast in more of a digest format.
Expanded RSS Merge Fields
With our rich RSS Merge Fields, you can highlight not just the latest post from your site, put any information from your previous 10 posts included summaries, images, blurbs, and more.
This is a great way to highlight multiple posts at once in once magazine-like email format.