For How Long Does FeedBolt Keep Broadcast Data?
FeedBolt provides access to past broadcast data, including opens and clicks, for active FeedBolt accounts. Data Retention – or how far back this data goes – depends on the plan: Once an account is closed, this broadcast data will no longer be accessible. These limits are subject to change at any time without notice.
WP Fusion Auto-Login and Link Tracking with FeedBolt
If you’re using WP Fusion on your website, you can easily configure FeedBolt to auto-login your members or run CRM automation when someone clicks a link from FeedBolt. To start, you’ll want to make sure that you append your Keap Contact ID to each of your FeedBolt links. To do so, simply append ?cid=~Contact.Id to…
Viewing and Exporting FeedBolt Open and Click Stats
Broadcast Stats just got even better! Below each broadcast, click on Send History to see all past broadcasts for a given feed. Each broadcast listed will show you when it was mailed, what post was mailed, and how many opens and clicks were tracked. NEW! Clicking on the broadcast will now open up additional broadcast…